Silas Amos
Design Thought
In the words of others…

Silas was a drug. He understood us in a heartbeat and captured the essence of our brand instantly.

Rosh & Andy, founders, Humble Warrior

His superpower is big ideas and bold clarity super-quickly.

Tosh Hall, global CD, jkr

In 20 years of working in advertising he is the most original thinker I have come across.

Kuba Wieczorek, Eve Sleep Co-Founder

A go-to person when you need a genuine well thought through answer and a pleasure to work with.

David Alberts, Founder, BTDT

No BS. Just beautiful, high quality design informed solutions.

Bogdana Ghinescu, Unilever Senior Global Director

Brilliant, Creative, Unique; I now find myself thinking ‘what would Silas do?’ in every stage of my work.

Richard Small, Senior Art Director Sony