Silas Amos
Design Thought

It’s not often you get to work on a near 300-year-old start-up, but Allsopp’s is just that.

Founded in 1730, Allsopp’s grew to become one of the biggest breweries in the world over the next two centuries, with one of the most incredible brand histories one is likely ever to come across. Unfortunately, the 20th century wasn’t so kind to Allsopp’s, seeing it almost disappear into the sands of time after a few overambitious business ventures.

Thankfully, Jamie Allsopp (seven times grandson of the brewery’s founder)  is reviving Allsopp’s to its former glory for the beer drinkers of today.

The design strategy was simple: make a hero of the brands’ idiosyncratic original assets. The crafted execution of this intention was anything but straightforward, with kudos to designer Alec Tear for drawing inspiration from the archives, beautifully re-crafting logos and typography, and bringing something fresh to the identity.

With new beers based on the brands’ original recipes and a company going to great lengths to be both authentic and ‘All for the Taste’ – our ambition was to create a design that was equally crafted and ‘properly done.’ Allsopp’s brew beer ‘the proper way’ and we wanted ‘proper’ design to match.

Allsopp's Six Bottles
Allsopp's Three Bottles
Allsopp's Logo
Allsopp's Hand Illustration
Allsopp's Label
Allsopp's Original Bottle Top
Allsopp's Bottle Top
Allsopp's Bottle Neck
Allsopp's Glass
Allsopp's New Beer Old Tricks Image

"Silas was instrumental in distilling 300 years of Allsopp’s branding into a cohesive and modern aesthetic that it instantly recognisable. The feedback from consumers has been enthusiastic. I am thrilled with the results."

Jamie Allsopp

Design Strategy:
Silas Amos
Alec Tear
Identity Design:
Design development & guidelines:
David Brook
Product Photography:
Portrait Photography:
Packaging Photography:
John Zampett
Comms Agency:
Christopher Sharp
Lloyd Stratton
Training Films:
Lisa Stillman
Project Directors:
Project Management:
Shiran Genis
Web Development:
Jamie Allsopp