Koru Kids are a childcare business in need of an identity as fresh as their approach. They promise to ‘help families flourish’ – with a proposition like that, the implications for design were obvious.

We wanted a brand that had modernity and a certain style. Something simple and confident, and the kind of brand you might wish to have in your life if you caught sight of it at school pick-up time. I led the back-of-house design strategy for Kuba and Friends, and Alec Tear brought the neat visual solution that was the magic touch on this project.

The organic nature of the mark translated beautifully to a brand that could grow with you and your family.

Koru Kids by Silas Amos

Koru Kids by Silas Amos
Koru Kids by Silas Amos
Koru Kids by Silas Amos

  • Design Strategy lead: Silas Amos
  • Concept and Design: Alec Tear
  • Agency: Kuba & Friends
  • Client: Koru Kids